Bible Study
We grow in our Christian faith through studying the Word of God as he reveals it in the Holy Scriptures. Join us for classes at St. Peter's throughout the week. Classes are at varying times to accommodate different schedules. Most classes run for 4-8 week sessions to provide opportunities to study different topics.
Sunday Morning Bible Study: The Life of Moses
Sundays @ 8:45 starting January 5, 2025 (between services)
If your New Year’s resolution will be to attend a Bible Class in 2025 we have just the class for you: The Life of Moses.
How much do you know about Moses?
He was one of the great leaders of the Bible, yet too often we don’t see how his life mirrors our own.
In this study, we will study the Bible’s account of Moses life. You will see that Moses is not so much different than you. He lived in a society which mirrors society today. His faith was tested in ways much like yours. God used him to accomplish His will, just like you. There are so many lessons to learn from Moses’ life, lessons for your life today.
What you will learn:
This study will deepen your knowledge of the Bible and how God uses His people to accomplish His will.
What you will take home:
You will see that it all comes back to God’s Word and His promises to you as His dear child.
1 From Peril to Papyrus to the Palace
2 God Calls Moses into Service
3 God Gives Moses a Powerful Message
4 Moses Confronts Pharaoh with God's Message
5 God Is Serious About His Word
6 Israel Is Taught to Rely on God
7 Moses Led Israel with God's Word
8 Moses' Spiritual Leadership in Action
Class starts on Sunday, January 5 at 8:45am in the Social Hall (conveniently scheduled in between our Sunday morning worship.) Drop off the kids at Sunday School or childcare, that meet at the same time, and join us.
Join Online: If you are not able to attend class in-person, you can join and participate with the class by using Zoom. Sign up on your computer/phone by going to zoom.us and creating an account. Email Pastor Sauer and he will send you the password to join the meeting (please do so before Sunday mornings). Thank you!
Women's Zoom Bible Study (Virtual)
Tuesdays - January 7 - February 11,2025 from 7-8:00 pm (Virtual/Online)
Malachi & Titus
This winter let’s join together from the comfort of our homes and study two more of the Bible’s shortest books: Malachi & Titus. The topics take us back to their day and forward to ours as we live in similar times. Both Malachi and Titus are timeless in their messages: Guidance to be faithful believers living in an immoral climate.
Join Online: Sign up on your computer/phone by going to zoom.us and creating an account.
Please email Judy by January 4 for reading schedule and Zoom login information at judys7977@outlook.com
Facilitator: Judy Schumacher of St. Peter’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Sturgeon Bay
Book of 1 Samuel
Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:00 a.m.
Our Breakfast Bible Study is studying the Book of 1 Samuel on Wednesday mornings.
Class meets in the Social Hall at St. Peter's and is taught by a rotation of pastors from the Door County Wis Synod Churches.